Wednesday, October 03, 2007

How can;t u love Jim Beam?

Sorry for the sound...

what's the weather like Chopper?

not in Australia, but close...

If u like thai chicks and wanna screw them up, read this before u do so...
(Thailand) - A young Thai man lost his penis to his knife-wielding wife and then forgot to bring his severed member with him to hospital, fatefully delaying a reattachment operation, news reports said. Sornlam Yotbanya had a heated argument with his wife, Rungnapha Pongalee, about his mistress. He went to bed and was rudely awoken hours later when his wife sliced off his member, reported ITV. In Sornlam's haste to get to Bangramrung hospital in Chonburi, he left his penis behind in his bedroom. Bangramrung hospital dispatched a nurse to retrieve the severed member for a reattachment operation. Although the nurse packed the penis in ice, too many of the cells had died by the time it was delivered to hospital, killing all hopes of a revival. Thai hospitals, especially Bangkok's Police hospital, have achieved some fame for their high success rate with penis reattachment operations, providing they are carried out swiftly with all the parts in place.


Friday, January 19, 2007

Enjoy it...

If anyone could tell me where to find more of these...
(If one day a taiwanese was checking this page, what's the one in Taipei's buses, i mean the name)


Seriously good... It always works (a bit at least)...

Leave you some thinking!

What if you had to give electric shock to another person, would you do it if you hear him/her suffering? Most of you would probably say 'No'... But are you really sure, take into consideration the power of the situation and rethink...

These documentaries "The Milgram Experiment" and the "Stanford prison experiment" will probably leave you have a little reflexion about what you can do....
Quite big videos... about 45mn each...

It's easy to judge acts but harder to try to understand them...

Abt French...

Ever wanted to understand how French people work? Not exactly French, but parisians, kinda special species... lol... Been reading in a free newspaper that Japanese get depressed in Paris, because it doesn't look like what they saw in Amélie... Well, even though I haven't seen that one, of course it wouldn't look like... lol...
It's not a puppy and fairy tale world outside....
(Shit happens and it always will)/ Such a useful sentence!

Once on the website, click on attitude game... plenty of other stuffs for those travelling there! And in English... lol

Dr Rubberfunk - My Life at 33

Seriously worth it!!! Discovered it at HMV sydney... just go at the right hand side at the back with "dance" thingies... lol... Doesn't really sound ike dance but anyone can do mistake...
Those who like old songs will be happy to rediscover some... Some songs are available on the website, not the best quality, but at least a possibility to feel the music!


Nice concept of radio on the internet.... U dunno how to describe the mood u're in, just play with the remote to describe it... Or u can simply use the dance options... The ony thing it's in lo-fi, the only mean for u to get hi-fi, well... It's to pay... (as usual)